Sacred Geometry

February 8, 2011

Do you know about sacred geometry?  According to one definition (LightSource Arts:, sacred geometry is “an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself.  On every scale, every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one of more geometric shapes.”  In other words, sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality! 

I have been sitting in my office looking out my big picture window this morning being drawn to the awe that surrounds each snowflake that falls.  It has been cause for much reflection and curiosity…a real mystical experience.   We have all probably heard that no two snowflakes are the same.  For some reason, today this axiom has piqued my interest immensely.  At first as I watched the snow fall I was in a state of peaceful surrender to what was in my view.  It was beautiful…heavenly and serene…and comforting.  I felt like I was “home”.  Then my mind started its humble inquistion.  How can every snowflake that falls be different? Or are they?

I remembered in some of my angelic studies the conversation about The Platonic Solids, which are the basis for sacred geometry.  The Platonic Solids are five three-dimensional structures that are the foundation of all things in our physical world.   The five structures are: Tetrahedron (fire), Cube (Earth), Octahedron (Air), Dodecahedron (Spirit or Ether) and Icosahedron (Water).  In these structures lie limitless geometric codes.  These codes reveal the parellels between patterns in things such as the DNA molecule, seashells, flowers, and snowflakes!!

I still don’t know the answers to my questions, but it has been fun pondering such lofty thoughts on a snowy day.  Sometimes I muse myself to oblivion!!  I hope I have given you something to ponder and reflect on today.  I also hope you have enjoyed my musings of the day and will keep coming back for more!  It would be great to hear your comments and your own thoughts on this subject.  Please feel free to share.  And, thanks for coming to my playground of transformation on this snowy day.  Stay warm!  Bring your friends to play…there’s lots of room for everone! 

In love and light,
