The Year of Illumination

February 28, 2011

Energy worker and channeler, Lee Harris, has a beautiful video about what he foresees for this year, 2011.  In the video he talks about this being the year of the undoing of small mind with the expansion into God-mind, or Big Mind.  He says that psychic and intuitive energies will be at an all time high and that it will be the fastest year we’ve ever known before.

Lee says that there are three key months this year–March, August and November–which are gateway points or portals.  There is very strong energy in these three months and in the weeks around these months we will see some of the major experiences of the year happen.  He also says there will be multiple opportunities this year, more than ever before and to take care not to walk toward the first opportunity presented to you for fear that no more will come your way.  Rapidly, this will be a year of change like no other before, but will also set the way and intention for 2012 and all that will come in that year.

Since we begin the month of March tomorrow, I wanted to share this video with all of you.  It is about fifteen minutes in length, and well worth the time spent watching it.  For some it will be powerfully meaningful, for others maybe a starting point.  Wherever you are on you journey, I encourage you to find a quiet place, sit back and take fifteen minutes to watch with an open mind and heart.  Go here and enjoy!  Remember always…All Is Well!!

Thanks for coming to play in my playground of transformation!  I so enjoy you stopping by!  Feel free to leave a comment and if you enjoyed this post, please share with others so they can come and play also.

Also, if you haven’t signed up yet for the interview I am doing this Thursday, March 3rd with intuition expert and author of “Ask Your Inner Voice”, Jim Wawro sign up here.  It promises to be full of great information and secrets on how to activate your intuition. 

In love and light,


Intuition and Inner Voice

February 24, 2011

In the World English Dictionary, intuition is defined as: knowledge or belief obtained neither by reason nor by perception; instinctive knowledge or belief; a hunch or unjustified belief; the supposed faculty or process by which we obtain any of these.  It is derived from Late Latin intuitio, a contemplation, from Latin intueri, to gaze upon, from tuieri to look at.

How are you using your intuition, or are you?  Do you know how to tap into it?  What would it be like to have intuition come to you just when you need it to make the right choice, to solve a problem, to gain creative insight, to tell right from wrong, or to simply make a wise decision with confidence?  You were born with intuition–the power in any given moment to call on the wisdom withn you.  Yet, if you are like most, you simply haven’t learned how to tap into it.

I would be honored to have you on a free call (no gimmicks, no preview to buy a product or program) on Thursday, March 3, 2011.  I will be interviewing intuition expert and author of “Ask Your Inner Voice”, Jim Wawro.  On the call Jim will be answering my many questions about tapping into your intuition.  He will provide tips and secrets that will help you transform your life by utilizing your own gift of inner wisdom.  If you would like to have any questions answered on the call you may email them to me at

To reserve your spot on this dynamic, informative and transformational call please go to  Even if you can’t attend the call live, sign up to receive the recording of the call so you don’t miss out on this wonderful gift.  If you have any hesitations about signing up, just ask your inner wisdom and listen for the answer!

I look forward to “seeing” you next Thursday, March 3, 2011.  And, thank you for stopping by my playground of transformation!  As always, it’s a pleasure to share with you here.  Feel free to share the link above with your friends and family also so they don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from an expert!

Love and light to you,


I Hold You in My Heart

February 14, 2011

 Happy Valentine’s Day!!

How is your heart today?  Is it open and spacious, fully extending love out to all of the world on this Valentine’s Day?  Is it bright and expansive and vibrating radiantly?  Is it full of gratitude for all that this day, this life is gifting you with?  Are you trusting your heart’s wisdom?

If you are having difficulty opening your heart for some reason, a great little powerful meditation called “Metta” or “Loving Kindness” meditation will help soften the wall around your heart and allow it to open.  It only takes a few moments, so if you are willing, find a quiet spot and sit in a comfortable position.  Take a few deep breaths and once you are settled and still, say to yourself, “May I be at peace.  May my heart open.  May I awaken to the light of my own true nature.  May I be healed and may I be source of healing for others.”  You can repeat this as often as you like until you feel your chest opening and your heart warming and melting.

When you are finished you will feel lighter, more at peace.  Then you can say a “Metta” meditation for others.  Do the same as above, but instead say, “May you be at peace.  May your heart open.  May you awaken to the light of you own true nature.  May you be healed and by that healing may you be a source of healing to others.”

What a beautiful way to open up and extend your love to yourself and the world on this Valentine’s Day and every day!  Remember that all the love you ever need is right inside your own heart.  All you have to do is remember.

I hold you in my heart…

Your Valentine


Sacred Geometry

February 8, 2011

Do you know about sacred geometry?  According to one definition (LightSource Arts:, sacred geometry is “an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself.  On every scale, every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one of more geometric shapes.”  In other words, sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality! 

I have been sitting in my office looking out my big picture window this morning being drawn to the awe that surrounds each snowflake that falls.  It has been cause for much reflection and curiosity…a real mystical experience.   We have all probably heard that no two snowflakes are the same.  For some reason, today this axiom has piqued my interest immensely.  At first as I watched the snow fall I was in a state of peaceful surrender to what was in my view.  It was beautiful…heavenly and serene…and comforting.  I felt like I was “home”.  Then my mind started its humble inquistion.  How can every snowflake that falls be different? Or are they?

I remembered in some of my angelic studies the conversation about The Platonic Solids, which are the basis for sacred geometry.  The Platonic Solids are five three-dimensional structures that are the foundation of all things in our physical world.   The five structures are: Tetrahedron (fire), Cube (Earth), Octahedron (Air), Dodecahedron (Spirit or Ether) and Icosahedron (Water).  In these structures lie limitless geometric codes.  These codes reveal the parellels between patterns in things such as the DNA molecule, seashells, flowers, and snowflakes!!

I still don’t know the answers to my questions, but it has been fun pondering such lofty thoughts on a snowy day.  Sometimes I muse myself to oblivion!!  I hope I have given you something to ponder and reflect on today.  I also hope you have enjoyed my musings of the day and will keep coming back for more!  It would be great to hear your comments and your own thoughts on this subject.  Please feel free to share.  And, thanks for coming to my playground of transformation on this snowy day.  Stay warm!  Bring your friends to play…there’s lots of room for everone! 

In love and light,
